Monday 9 January 2012

What could happen on the greatest stage of them all?

What could happen on the greatest stage of them all?

I’m not the biggest fan of ‘dream booking’ articles. I don’t really like spending time booking imaginary articles a few months ahead of Wrestlemania, when I doubt the WWE are planning that far ahead. However, since I’m going this year, I’m pretty excited and it’s an article type that I have never done before, so I thought I’d give it a go. 

I’m going to book the top five matches on the card; bar the Cena vs. Rock match that is already happening, according to what I think will happen mixed in with what I want to happen. It will probably be more optimistic than what will realistically happen, but I’ll try not to go to crazy. I will only book wrestlers that have existing WWE contracts, so there will be no Lesnar on this list. 

Match One: Randy Orton vs. Kane

This one might seem a bit of a stretch, since the two superstars being on different rosters. However, that doesn’t mean much. I honestly don’t see Orton in the title picture again at this year’s Wrestlemania. They could do Orton vs. Bryan, but for some reason I don’t see it happening. Kane will have just finished his feud with Cena and will still be in a high spot on the card. Like they did last year with Punk, I can see the WWE shoving Kane in a feud with Orton to create quite a high profile match. 

Is it ideal? No, but would I hate it? Not at all. Orton can get good matches out of a lot of people and Kane is one of my favourite big men. 

Match Two: Mark Henry vs. Shaquille O’ Neil w/ Big show in his corner

I know Shaq vs. Show has been the celebrity match that everyone is clamouring for, but with Show not looking like he’s turning heel anytime soon I can see the E going a different route. That root would be the World’s Strongest Man: Mark Henry. 

Do I think this is a good idea? Hellz Yeah. The Shaq match isn’t going to be good whoever he fights, but it should be entertaining. Who’s one of the most entertaining superstars out of the ring at the moment? Mark Henry. I would have Shaq come out, Show follows him out and they shake hands. Then ‘somebody gonna get da ass kicked’ and good ol’ Mark Henry walks out looking for a fight. 

World Heavyweight Championship Match: Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus

With The Rock vs. Cena match, Jericho coming back and the Undertakers 20th match, I can seriously see the World Heavyweight Championship match being pushed aside a bit. Dependant if his heel Gimmick works, I think that D-Bry will hold the title until the big event. His challenger? No other than the Ginger Ninja, Sheamus. Sheamus has been dominant without a feud for a while. It’s only a matter of time until they throw him into the title hunt. 

I think it’s a good choice because it feels fresh. Especially if the feud is worked around D Bry’s hate for Bodybuilder types and Sheamus’ rush to the top. 

WWE Title Match: Cm Punk vs. Jericho

Unless the WWE quickly lose faith in Punk. I can see this one being a lock. It looks like Jericho has come back as a heel. Don’t let last Monday fool you. His actions were the ones of a heel. A new breed of heel but a heel nonetheless. With no other heel in Jericho’s stratosphere, the logical thing to do would be for him to feud with the baby face champ. 

Am I excited? Yes, yes and more yes. There’s no doubt that these two in a match together could bring something special. The only thing that would be more exciting than these to wrestling each other is thinking about the promos they will cut beforehand. 

Undertaker Vs The Miz

Ok, this is the biggest stretch, but just here me out. I know The Undertaker vs. HHH is being widely reported, however, I don’t want it to happen so I’m going to try and look past that. So that means The Undertaker needs a new opponent. Without the WWE bringing back another big name, I seriously can see it being The Miz. I don’t see the Miz in the title picture so he needs a high profile match. 

Do I see it working? Sure. Especially with The Miz knocking off Cena at last year’s Mania, he could brag about being the a Wrestlemania legend, then the light hits and BONG The Dead Man enters. I love it.
So they’re my picks. Looking back it has turned into a bit of a wish list, but I’d like to think that there’s an ounce of logic to it. Hopefully. 

What do you think? Feel free to let me know.
Until next time, enjoy the show.
Daniel Morris.

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