Sunday 15 January 2012

The Sunday Lister- Top 5 Sports Movie Speeches

The Sunday Lister

I normally don’t do lists because that’s my friend Sol’s territory and I don’t like stepping on his toes. Also, if he found out he’d beat me for sure. However, with my busy schedule I think I’m going to start doing a top five or so column, once a week. It probably won’t be every week, as when I have more time, I’ll do other articles, but on busy weeks you should probably expect a list off me. 

So moving to this week’s top 5. Last night I watched Goon starring Sean William Scott as nice but dim hockey enforcer, Doug the Thug. As the Highlanders Captain gave a motivational speech about being as tough as ‘Greek Porn’ I had an epiphany. My list today is about the top 5 sports speeches.
So without further ado, here we go?

5. The Film:  Miracle The Speech: You were born for this Speech

Not my favourite sports movie. To me the better Ice Hockey films are the ones that are a bit lighter in tone, but there is no doubting that the speech in Miracle is pretty good. The speech is deeply motivating, without being too overbearing. Summing the film up pretty well. Plus, Kurt Russell is an absolute dude, so that always helps. 

4. The Film:  Coach Carter The Speech: St Francis Post Game Speech

Coach Carter is quite marmite as a sports film. Basketball fans love it, but yet it’s slated for being too cheesy and ‘by the numbers’ in its structure. That being said, Coach Carter does something that other sports films don’t, it has its motivational speech after the team has been beaten. And it’s a good’un. 

3. The Film:  Any Given Sunday The Speech: Inches Speech
Probably the most famous sports movie speech of all time. Al Pacino delivers a cracker with his ‘inches’ speech that has writer Josh Logan all over it. Rumours are that it’s been used by professional sports coaches to inspire there teams and you can see why. Maybe it runs a bit long at four and a half minutes, but there’s no denying its power. 

2. The Film: The Replacements The Speech:  Pain Heels Speech

The Replacements is a guilty pleasure movie for me and my family. Every family has a few and we can’t help love this Keanu Sports classic. Chock full of cheesy speeches it’s hard to choose my favourite one. But, after a long debate it has to be Mr Reeves’ ‘Pain Heels’ Speech. Yes, it’s a big block o’ Cheddar, but you can’t deny its motivational power. 

1.The Film:  Remember the Titans The Speech: Soul of a Man Speech

Disney proved that they can also do a thinking man sports movie as well when it knocked up ‘Remember the Titans’. Packed to the brim with a message about race that’s as relevant today as it was for when the film is set. The brilliance of this speech has to be that it’s three people that complete it.  Watch it, because whatever I say won’t do it justice. 

What do you think? Have I missed your favourite? Feel free to tell me what it is.
Until next time, enjoy the show. 
Daniel Morris

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