Sunday 18 December 2011

Being Sociable: Twitter can be good for the WWE

Being Sociable: Twitter can be good for the WWE. 

We live in an ever evolving world. More and more uses of internet crop up each day.  I’m pretty sure that if I really wanted to, I could stay in my room with a month supply of cheetos and a potty and not need a reason to leave. 

There was a time where being an ‘internet whore’ would turn one into a social recluse. Not in the magical year of 2011, where you can still remain popular(ish) and contact with other real humans through social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter.

However, it’s not just us ‘normies’ that are using social media, celebrities also use social media as a way to connect with there fans. It is arguable that no one is plugging social media more than the WWE at the moment. It seems that we can’t go an episode of Raw or Smackdown without having Twitter thrust in our faces, telling us who to follow and what’s trending. 

This has received some criticism by a lot of wrestling fans, who have took offense to this social pandering. However, I’m for the WWE using Twitter like they do. Well OK maybe not like they do, because the constant Twitter bombardment does make me want to type Google into Google and blow up the internet. But, I am for  the Twitter initiative. 

They may have not have their Twitter initiative defined at the moment and  are just going at it like an obese child does a tray of biscuits, but the use of social media can be effective. Social media can help tease rivalries, build feuds and showcase new angles, not to mention help fans interact with their favourite superstar. 

This will give another dimension to Raw and Smackdown and will enable the WWE to think of a creative way of how to promote their product more than just the usual mediums. Also, I believe that it will attract another kind of audience. If fans can follow their favourite superstars and see rivalries continued virally, this could potentially attract people who might not have the time to watch a full episode, you’re more casual wrestling fan. This is especially the case when the superstar that they are following is entertaining as Twitter kings such as CM Punk, Zack Ryder and Dolph Ziggler.

I do have a worry though. I only hope that the WWE doesn’t go completely Kayfabe with social media, especially Twitter. Yes, setting up rivalries can be key with Twitter and can defiantly aid the product. But, what I don’t want to see Tweets from The Undertaker claiming that he’s sitting in a grave somewhere. The key thing about Twitter is it lets fans get a glimpse into the wrestlers’ life. This glimpse would be ruined if the E forced all their talent to Tweet and post 100% in character. 

So I’m all for the WWE using Twitter and if done right I can really seeing it becoming the WWE’s thing. But, if they mess it up, then they’re just a bunch of Twits. 

Until next time, enjoy the show. 

Daniel Morris
What do you think? Feel free to comment below.

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