Sunday 11 December 2011

The Chris Benoit film can be good.

The Chris Benoit film can be good. 

I understand how people feel about this subject so I apologise in advance if I offend anyone. That is not my intended intention in the slightest. With recent news of an independent movie company SRG planning a biographical thriller based on the former World Heavyweight Champion Chris Benoit’s murder-suicide, I thought I’d quickly pen my thoughts on the controversial news.  I have to say... I think it’s a good idea. 

First of all, I can understand why people are up in arms about the whole subject. It’s a controversial matter and I completely agree that what Chris Benoit did was beyond forgivable and should never be glorified in anyway. Any film that did that just to make money would not be worth anyone’s time or money. 

That being said, I don’t see the Chris Benoit movie being like that. First of all, it’s not a major studio that is doing this film; it’s an independent film company. Meaning, that there is a shift away from money making. If there’s a way a Chris Benoit film can be done, it is with an independent studio. 

Films aren’t just money making medium, they’re there to inform and educate and a Chris Benoit film can do that. Not just about the Chris Benoit situation, but an informative looks at professional wrestling as a whole. The film will be able to provide the masses with an inside look to what actually went on and how things can change in the pro wrestling business for the better. 

We all hear rumours and titbits about what goes on in the wrestling business, meaning that everyone forms their own opinion. But a film can educate the masses on the pitfalls and the problems in the wrestling business as a whole. It’s a fact that too many wrestlers die too early and I’m personally for any film that could change that. 

Some people say they don’t see why they would ever watch a Chris Benoit film, since the man committed serious crime. But there have been many films about subject matter a lot worse. These movies aren’t there to be nice and fluffy as all movies aren’t there to do that. Movies can go to the darkest places in the world and report their findings. Just what a Benoit film would be doing.

 I can see, people saying that movies about the holocaust were done years later, educating people in what happened. But those people have to remember that a film isn’t just for today, it’s for further generations as well. Do I think that future generations should learn about one of the most horrible events in professional wrestling? Yes I do. 

All this being said, I do have a worry. I don’t want this film to be another Wrestling hate film. But, I have a feeling it could be. Wrestling always gets stick, either for not being too real, being too violent or for the numerous cases of steroid abuse. What I don’t want to see is a film condemning Wrestling and putting a lot of blame on Sports Entertainments shoulders. Yes, I do think Wrestling played a part in the tragedy occurred, but was one of many factors and that needs to come across in the film, if it doesn’t, then I don’t want to see it. 

All in all, I can see the good in a Chris Benoit movie, but it has to be done right. 

What do you think? Let me know in the comments section. 

Follow me on Twitter @glamgrunge
Until next time, enjoy the show.
Daniel Morris


  1. I think they will screw it up royally and focus on the murder part and not even touch on the massive head trauma he dealt with due to wrestling. hope i am wrong though

  2. I have a fear that they will do that. I just only hope not.
