Thursday 24 November 2011

Johnny Depp- Out of Date?

Johnny Depp- Out of date?

I realise that I may receive a lot of stick for this article. And yes, I’m aware that taking a shot at Johnny Depp is the movie equivalent of punching the Queen square in the chops and holds pretty much the same punishment. However, I’m going to stay true to my rebellious streak and persevere anyway, even if I do receive a lynching. At least people may read this blog then. Every cloud ey?

I’m not a Johnny Depp hater, quite the opposite really. The man oozes charisma and has definitely done more in the world of acting than I will do in 36 lifetimes, let alone one. For that, I respect the man fourfold. 

That being said, like a two week old Danish, Mr Depp has gone stale. The man who gave us such unique performances as Edward Scissorhands, Ed Wood and Captain Jack Sparrow, seems to be passed his sell by date. What was once new and edgy performance have turned dull. 

I think the evolution of the arguably Mr Depp’s most famous character, is a fair comment on JD’s career over the last few years. I remember watching the first Pirates of the Caribbean and falling in love with the formidable Captain Jack Sparrow. 

Captain Jack was undoubtedly the hero of the movie, but he was unlike any hero in recent history. Jack had the character flaws of a 1950s Noir, but in a family entertainment blockbuster. 

Captain Jack’s coolness isn’t just down to the writing either. You can tell that a lot of that is down to Johnny. What we get is a fresh and new character. Definitely one of the better performances of the 21st century. 

What have followed the first Pirates movie are three sequels. Ranging from the mediocre (Dead Man’s Chest) to the outright pants (On Stranger Tides). Captain Jack Sparrow features heavily in all three movies. Instead of the fresh Captain Jack Sparrow, we got a neutered Cap’n Jack, who had morals and dare I say it.... feelings. 

Again, it wasn’t just the character of Jack that was wrong, it was the performance. Despite, Jack being larger than life, the brilliance about the first performance was the subtlety in it. This has been lacking in every performance of Jack since as they all get bigger and brasher, losing all the charm. 

That’s how I see Johnny Depp’s career of late. The freshness of his earlier characters has almost all gone. What has replaced this fresh crème is mouldy, month old milk. Performances such as The Libertine, The Tourist and Alice in Wonderland just feel like quirky Johnny Depp cashing in his pay check, just for being his odd ball self. 

Don’t get me wrong, there are still gems in the sea of mediocre that has been Depp’s career of late. I think his portrayal of Sweeny Todd is pretty terrific as was his performance of John Dillinger in Public Enemies. But, these still don’t offer up new elements to Depp’s characters. There just the best of his old routine. 

I’m not solely blaming Mr Depp. It might be my fault. Depp might not have changed a thing. It could simply be a case of eating too much mint choc chip ice cream. It’s good at first, but what once was new and intriguing, gets boring. 

I’m not writing this Just to be a moany get. I’m saying this because I want to be wowed by Mr Depp again. He definitely can. I truly believe he’s not past his sell-by date; he just needs to get back on track.
Oh and I apologise for all the dairy puns, I really wanted a milkshake. 

What do you think? Feel free to tell me I’m crazy. I get it off the doctors all the time.
Follow me @glamgrunge
Until next time, enjoy the show
Daniel Morris.

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