Tuesday 21 February 2012

Well, that didn't last long.

Well, that didn't last long.

So two weeks ago, I wrote about how the WWE have actually impressed me with their build to the HHH and Undertaker feud. Well this week I’m back to my old self. By that I obviously mean, I’m going to call the WWE on their booking decision. I’m sure there are probably a few bad decisions, but the one I’m talking about is CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho. 

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for the Wrestlemania match. Not only do I think it should happen, I think it needs to happen. John Cena vs. The Rock is going to be electrifying, The Undertaker vs. HHH is going to be memorable, but Jericho vs. Punk has the potential to be match of the year, if not the decade. 

However, the way the WWE have gone about booking the match annoys me. It all started back when Jericho came back; already the Internet Wrestling Community was talking about the possibility of a dream match between Jericho vs. Punk. If they started to book it then, then fair enough. But, they didn’t Jericho became the Jeric-troll and threatened to change the industry as we know it. Great.

I was excited, as I’m sure you were. However, Jericho didn’t win the 2012 Royal Rumble as many had predicted. So the industry hadn’t changed, like we were told. But instead everything stayed the same. Then the chamber was next. Jericho had turned full fledge heal and had already started a program with Punk. Brilliant. 

Surely, Jericho was going to walk into the Elimination Chamber and screw Punk for the title. I could just see it, Jericho is last to enter, but just before he does Punk is attacked. Jericho gets the cheap pin and becomes the champion. 

Alas, we didn’t get that either. Instead Jericho got kicked in the head, fell out of the chamber and became ‘concussed’. Punk won the elimination chamber and retained the belt. 

So last night on Raw there was a battle royal to see who would face Punk at Mania. Jericho, once again entered the main event as favourite. Finally, he won the battle royal. How did he win it you ask? By being very dominate? Well, no. He did eliminate The Big Show though. Did he do it impressively? Well no, Cody Rhodes helped. 

So let me get this straight. The WWE championship is your main prize. You have a hugely popular Champion and your number one challenger for the biggest show of the year taken three chances to fight the champion? Yes. 

Jericho finished second in the Rumble, got another chance, where he finished 3rd in the chamber, then in his final chance, he managed to win. Doesn’t really make him look credible does it? Well no. 

But, let’s focus on the positives, the match is finally happening. Let’s hope that they make Jericho look credible before the two fight at ‘Mania. Even if worse comes to worse, they’ll still give us a good match. Creative can’t screw that up. Well hopefully not. 

Until next time, enjoy the show
Feel free to comment below. Email me at cinemascreenandspandex@gmail.com

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