Saturday 10 September 2011

You've got a friend in three.

You’ve got a friend in three- Why Toy Story is the greatest film trilogy

Film is definitely a subjective subject. Everyone has a different favourite. Whether, it’s because they truly believe it’s the greatest film they have seen or due to the fact that it reminds them of a happy moment in their lives. Both equal reasons and I’m never trying to change people’s opinions or say that I’m right because I’m not. But for the purpose of this column I will be trying to justify my opinion on the greatest movie trilogy. My pick: Toy Story. 

Yes ok, Lord of the Rings is great and the original Star Wars trilogy revolutionised cinema as we know it. But, for me there is only one film trilogy that deserves the title of greatest ever and those films teach us that it’s tough to be a toy. 

Revolution at two feet. Like all great films the Toy Story franchise has revolutionised everything that has come after. I’m of the firm belief that without Woody and the Gang, CGI animated family entertainment would not be as big as it is today. Every animated studio since then, has took the step to CGI animation.

But can you blame them? Toy Story looks so good that if I was a head of an opposing studio, I’d of cried myself to sleep after the film came out. Even sixteen years later, Toy Story still looks as impressive as it did in 1995. There is so much detail and colour in every screenshot that it brings the story to life even before a single character opens his mouth. 

Pixar are always fantastic with their visuals. From the space scenes in Wall E, to the NASCAR races in the Cars movies, Pixar know that one of the keys to animated film success is to make each image as interesting looking as possible. The Toy Story franchise is the standard bearer of this.

Plenty of bang behind the flash.  Unlike some animated movies where the visuals carry the movie. This is not the case in all three Toy Story movies. The stories are that good that they make the visuals an accomplice in the moviemaking master class. 

From a feeling of being replaced? To the fear of knowing you’re not going to last forever? To what to do when to move on? All three Toy Story movies have a strong emotional core to their stories. An emotional truth that everyone can relate to. 

Don’t get me wrong there is plenty of gags to keep any audience member entertained without being bogged down in heavy messages, but it’s these universal and primal messages that give the Toy Story movies their strength. 

So Many characters don’t spoil the broth. Who’s your favourite Toy Story character? I bet you can ask that question to ten different people and you may get ten different answers. Buzz? Woody? Hamm? Mr Potatoehead? Rex? Ken? Barbie? There are so many great characters each with their unique personalities and enthralling traits. 

It’s a credit to Pixar’s storytelling that there are so many great characters. Pixar takes the time to invest in their characters. From Jesse’s heartbreak to the reason why Lotso is as mean as he is. Each individual character has so much depth that they almost feel real. 

No weak link.  Every trilogy has one. A film in its three that doesn’t stand alone as well as the other two. Every trilogy, bar Toy Story. All three films are as strong as each other. Obviously, everyone will have their favourite movie of the three, but as movies go, there is no weak link. 

Toy Story is a great opening tale about jealousy and friendship. Toy Story 2 furthers the characters established in the first one and proves that it’s OK to know that something won’t last forever, but relish every moment you have and Toy Story 3 is an emotional and beautiful end to the trilogy. 

However well they work together, they are equally good as standalone films. All three movies don’t rely on its prequels or sequels to tell the story for them, they can tell their own story and when all the dust is settled, film is all about storytelling. 
I hope you know see why the Toy Story trilogy is my favourite movie three-piece of all time, even if you don’t agree yourself. The Toy Story movies have proved to me that you can go, To Infinity and Beyond. Sorry cheesy line, but I had to. 

Hope you enjoyed my column. Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter @glamgrunge

Add me on Facebook. Until next time, got to the Movies. 

Daniel Morris.

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