Thursday 15 September 2011

IMPACT Wrestling could be good.

IMPACT Wrestling could be good

I watched the TNA PPV Turning Point Sunday night and something hit me, something that I think I have known for a while, but never really realised: TNA could be good. If the right changes were made. I have always thought TNA had good talent with several more than capable workers and I have always enjoyed(ish) the program, in a ’that doesn’t kind of make sense’ kind of way, but if TNA actually made several changes their product could be pretty good. Here is a few of the necessary changes I think TNA need to make to turn IMPACT from a confusing mess to a pretty good ‘sports entertainment’ show. 

Develop the X Division 

It looks like Impact has started sowing the seeds for the X Division again, which is only a good thing. But, they need to not drop the ball with it. When the X division started, it’s what separated TNA from the pack.
However, when TNA recently did the Gauntlet match there were only three guys who stood out so they clearly don’t have many established participants. Austin Aries is a good person to build the division around with Brian Kendrick and Alex Shelley being the top two babyfaces of the division. 

I would have Aries have a long title reign with guys like Kendrick and Jesse ‘the Jock’ Sorenson chasing the title. Aries would win each time, until Shelley works his way up the ranks and becomes number one contender. Then I would have Shelley give it his all to beat Aries and become the champion. 

Also, you could have former X Division champions talking about how much it means to them and maybe start a Shelley vs. Daniels or a Shelley vs. Lynn feud, with Shelley and some of the younger guys going over the X Division vets, adding prestige to the division. 

Follow through on Story Lines               

This is quite a simple one really. I don’t hate IMPACTS storylines. Over the top they may be, but so is wrestling as a whole. The thing that bothers me is the lack of conviction with the storylines. It seems like they run with a new idea pretty hard for about a month then get bored of it and drop it. 

What they need to do is pick about 4/5 main storylines a year. I’m not talking about every feud, but a big story line. They need to plan out where the story is going to go and think of ideas of where the story could go if something unexpected happens. Then they need to just let the story play out, instead of giving up and trying something else. 

Stories work because they have a lot of time and devotion in the creation and execution of them. It’s not just luck, its hard work. 

Utilize your good and young talent/ Let the legends get the young guys over 

The main thing I noticed while watching Turning Point, was that TNA have a lot of talented guys who can work and talk. Furthermore, a lot of these guys are relatively young. Guys like Roode, Gunner, Crimson, Matt Morgan, Kendrick, Aries and The Pope are all decent to good workers, who can all cut a decent promo. 

That doesn’t even include the likes of Styles, Joe and Storm who are still youngish, but have been around IMPACT for years. IMPACT needs to utilize this talent and pick a few guys to re-build the roster around. For example, have Styles, Roode and Morgan being your top young faces. Then you have them work with the likes of Angle, Bully Ray and Joe to put the young guys over.

Thus, creating a line of top baby faces, for when your legends retire. I’m not against having Legends and Veterans in the company, because they serve a purpose. Guys like Angle, RVD, Anderson and Sting should be putting over younger talent, because if the likes of Gunner were to beat Sting, then you would immediately make him a star. 

Stop doing face and heel turns

This is the same with the many story lines. It seems to me that IMPACT’S creative team wants a quick fix to their rating problems. How do they think that they can fix this? By turning people face and heel every minute.

Yes a face or a heel turn can be shocking. But, only when done right. It should not be the go to move to get buzz about the business. That should be done, by good story telling and great matches. Then if those two are done correctly you can use face and heel turns effectively, when the story calls for it. 

The Problem with Hogan and Bischoff

Lastly, we get to the two elephants in the room; Hogan and Bischoff. It may come as a shock to a lot of people, but I think Hogan and Bischoff do have a place onscreen in IMPACT wrestling. But, IT DOES NEED TO BE LESS OF A ROLE. I think the heel boss is an old, but effective way to gain heat in the wrestling business. It’s relatable to real life and gives the opportunity to create anarchic babyfaces. 

However, Bischoff and Hogan need to realise that they are not the main people in any angle. There role should be to put over the up and coming talent. If you have a couple of babyfaces that rebel and take it to the man, that is only going to generate popularity for said babyface, just looks at a mister Stone Cold Steve Austin. He turned out pretty popular, right?

I hope you enjoyed reading my column. I mean I could be totally wrong, but with those changes I firmly believe IMPACT wrestling could become good. Or at least better. 

Follow me on Twitter@ glamgrunge
Add me on Facebook. Until next time, enjoy the show.
Daniel Morris.

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