Wednesday 28 September 2011

John Morrison Should Quit

John Morrison Should Quit

Before I start this article I just want to say I’m a fan of John Morrison. A big fan, Nohomo. I think his work in the ring is fresh and he definitely has a wow factor when he competes. The Spidermanesque performance at this years Rumble was definitely impressive.

 I also don’t think he’s terrible on the microphone. He definitely had his moments when he was on the Dirt Sheet with The Miz. I think that wrestlers work best when their characters are an extension of themselves.  Morrison clearly looks after himself and looks good by doing so. Why not play on that? Have him being the good looking ladies man who looks as good in the ring as he does out of it. Have girls on his arm all the time. Why not make him a modern day Ravishing Rick Rude?

I know Cody Rhodes kind of played on that last year with his ‘dashing’ gimmick. However, the key to Cody’s Gimmick was that nobody else believed that Cody was attractive. Which is a different Gimmick to knowing how good looking you are. With these tweaks I really do think Morrison could be a top level heel, who could eventually turn back to a babyface. 

That being said, I believe that John Morrison should quit the WWE. 

It’s evident that John Morrison is firmly in the doghouse. He has been at the company for several years now and has never made the top level. Every time he seemingly gets towards to the top, his push is stopped and he drops back down to where he was.

Currently The Prince of Parkour’s stock has never been so low. He is Monday Night Raw’s jobber to the stars, who is there to put over the main event talent. I think this is one rut too far and it might be time for JoMo to pack up his bags and leave Vinnie Mac and the boys. 

Why do I think John Morrison is in the Doghouse? Well I don’t entirely think it’s a woman’s fault. Yes it’ well known that Morrison got heat due to Melina not being the classiest of females. John Morrison hasn’t helped the fact that he has hid his man bits when it comes to sticking up for himself. 

However, I don’t think this is all of it. Sure, I don’t think it helps. But, wrestlers have had girl trouble in the past and Vince has looked past it. I just think it comes down to a matter of respect and John Morrison has none. It seems to me that Vince doesn’t respect John Morrison as a man and he’s never going to push someone he doesn’t respect. Would you?

Also, Vince is a traditionalist. He likes his bread to be bread and he doesn’t quite appreciate the new and the unconventional. John Morrison’s ring and life style is definitely unconventional and it might simply be a case of Vince just not ‘getting it’. 

 With all these bad marks on his record I honestly do think it’s going to be hard for John Morrison to stop being a member of the ‘jobber squad’. I’d quit. Where would I go? TNA of course. 

Yes I know TNA has its problems and quite a lot of them in fact. But, there is one thing that they are good for and that is pushing previously established talent. Unlike the WWE where they bury talent from other companies, TNA promote it. Especially from the WWE, John Morrison could go there and quickly becomes a star. 

They also have no problem pushing people with an unconventional wrestling star. Hell, that’s how TNA fist made its name. I could see good feuds with Hardy and Styles and maybe a run in the X division. 

I’m not saying that his WWE career is done forever. Far from it. But I think he definitely needs a change of scenery. If he did establish himself in TNA, it may open Vince’s eyes on what JoMo can really do. It worked for Christian and John Morrison is in a similar position now to what Christian was when he left the WWE. 

You never know, quitting may earn him the respect that he needs. 

What do you think?
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Until next time, enjoy the show.
Daniel Morris.

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