Thursday, 5 April 2012

Miami Meltdown - Raw Recall

Miami Meltdown – Raw Recall
So Monday rolled around, Wrestlemania had finished, and some may think that my WWE experience was over. Oh no, my friends. Arguably the best was yet to come as Raw was being held at the American Airlines Arena that Monday evening.
I’m not just saying this due to the events that followed, but I was probably just as excited for Raw as I was for Wrestlemania. The first Raw after the big one is normally a great show where almost anything can happen. Well that’s the hope. Did this Raw equal the hype? Put it this way, it was PAINfully good.
Before the show, I had a feeling that the crowd would be hot. But, I had no idea how hot. I’m going to go on a limb here and say that the Miami crowd was one of the smartest ever. Right off the bat there were screams of Yes, echoing out of the American Airlines Arena.
Raw starts with a ‘can you smellll, what the rock is cooking?’ and one of many huge pops ensues. The Rocks promo is interrupted by chant after chant that I’m sure that it’s the reason that Raw ran over. Nevertheless, it’s still an amazing promo from The Great One. The highlight surely being when The People’s champ promised his people that he will be WWE Champion at least one more time.
Now, I’m sure there are some people who will not like this. Because if The Rock does become WWE Champion, he will obviously not appear regularly. I imagine die hard wrestling fans will be against the fact. I am not one of these. The Rock is clearly one of the biggest draws in the industry, still. And if the WWE championship is being defended every few months, it could bring back prestige to the belt.
After the rock left, we had an action packed Raw. I would like to go into a lot more detail about it. But, once again time isn’t on my side. If you want to know what happened either watch it or check out the results.
With five minutes left in the show John Cena comes out. He cuts a promo on how he now respects The Rock. However, nobody listened. They were shouting one thing ‘We want Lesner’. Earlier in the weekend, it had been rumoured that Lesner had signed. So hopes were high.
However, for every second that passed in John Cena’s promo, my high hopes dwindled. That is until John Cena called out The Rock. A wish that was unfulfilled. Here comes the pain and Brock Lesner walks out, to what was one of the biggest pops I have ever heard. He makes his way down to the ring and gets face to face.
THEN THEY SHAKE HANDS! I feel sick. However, that sick quickly disappears when Lesner picks up Cena and delivers a thunderous FU. To maybe an even louder pop. Then we go off air. Wow, what a show. The atmosphere was electric. A great wrestling send-off to a great weekend.
Until next time, enjoy the show.
Daniel Morris.

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