Sunday 16 October 2011

The Top Ten Scariest Movie Characters

The Top Ten Scariest Movie Characters

The Season of scare is quickly, upon us. To celebrate Halloween I have decided to do a top ten of who I consider to be the 10 most terrifying movie characters. 

10. Scar, The Lion King (1994) – Voiced By Jeremy Irons. 

To start our top ten we have the evil Brother of Mufassa. Being a lion only adds to the scariness of Scar. Jeremy Iron’s slow, dry; tone oozes menace and sends a chill down many adults’ spines, let alone their children. 

Why he’s on the list: Well I was five when I first seen Scar and I was terrified. I re-watched the film a few weeks ago and I’m still terrified. When you kill your own brother and frame your nephew for said murder, you’re pretty scary. 

9. The Joker, Batman (1989) The Dark Knight (2008) - Played By Jack Nicholson and Heath Ledger.

I couldn’t decide whether Jack Nicholson’s camp but menacing Joker was scarier than Heath Ledger’s psychotic lip smacking prince of crime. So they both make the list at number nine. Lighten up people, why so serious?

Why he’s on the list: The Joker is a character as sinister as any ever created, in the comics especially. Transferred to cinema by Jack Nicholson killing people with smiles on their faces and Heath Ledger setting up an intricate plan of killing all his henchmen. 

8. Freddy Kruger, Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) - Played By Robert Englund. 

At least if we have a nightmare we can wake up and everything will be fine right? Wrong, if you have a nightmare and Freddy’s there, you’re in big trouble. His disfigured face and evil cackle only adds to his terrifying persona. 

Why he’s on the list: Not only one of the scariest characters on the silver screen, also one of the coolest and a personal favourite of mine. When a man kills you in your sleep, there is nowhere to run. Unless, you take a shit load of coke of course. 

7. Annie Wilkes, Misery (1990) - Played By Kathy Bates. 

Kathy Bates plays Annie Wilkes as the ever so sweet, wouldn’t hurt a fly, farm woman. This makes her evil turn all the more terrifying. Climaxed by the breaking of Paul Sheldon’s (James Caan) leg. 

Why she’s on the list: Annie Wilkes is the highest woman (live action) on the list. Can you dispute it? She kidnaps a man and forces him to burn his life’s work before breaking his foot. 

6. Jack Torrance, The Shining (1980) - Played By Jack Nicholson. 

Jack Nicholson is a terrifying man day to day. So it’s no surprise that he makes my list twice. Jack plays a man at the brink of sanity perfectly as Jack Torrance and has possibly the scariest catchphrase ever: ‘Here’s Johnny’. 

Why he’s on the list: Jack Torrance is madness personified and is even scarier with no escape. The bar scene with the imaginary bar tender alone warrants his place at number 6.

5. Norman Bates, Psycho (1960) - Played By Anthony Perkins.

Most horror films date terribly. Not Psycho. Anthony Perkins is creepy personified as ‘mommy’s boy’ Norman bates. The taxidermy scene alone is enough to get him on this list, but that smile at the end of the film is truly, truly scary. 

Why he’s on the list: One of the original horror movies and one of the greatest. Despite, how masterful Hitchcock is behind the camera; Anthony Perkins is ultimately the star of the show. 

4. Queen, Snow white and the seven dwarves (1937) - Played by Lucille La Verne.

If I was a child in 1937 I would have been terrified when I went to see Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. Heck I was terrified when I went on the Disney ride for the first time. Heck I’m still terrified. All because of the witch. 

Why she’s on the list: Let’s not forget that the main reason the Queen tries to kill Snow White is because she is prettier than her. That’s it. Adding, the fact that the film is over seventy years old makes the Queen’s performance ever so powerful. 

And our Top three are:

3. Jaws, Jaws (1975). 

The film that had a generation terrified of going for a swim. Is there anything scarier than that music? The answer is yes, and that’s the great white itself. Only, eclipsed by Steven Spielberg’s masterful suspense building. 

Why he’s on the list: duh,duh,duh,duh,duh,duh,duh,duh. Scared? Thought so. I think that’s reason enough. 

2. Alien, Alien (1979). 

Pitched as Jaws in space Alien takes the concept of jaws and ups up the intensity. For me Alien is more terrifying than Jaws, even if it’s for that intense scream alone. 

Why he’s on the list: In space no one can hear you scream? But, people were sure screaming all over cinemas. Mainly, for popping out of john hurts chest. But, there are other reasons.
So Alien is second, who will be first on our list?

1. Darth Vader, Star Wars (1977) - Voiced by James Earl Jones. 

Our winner is the leader of The Empire himself, Darth Vader. Darth Vader was so scary that as soon as he appeared on screen for the first time, audiences booed him immediately. Everything about Darth Vader, screams terrifying from his breathing to the fact that he can choke you with his mind. Darth Vader is the ultimate villain and the scariest film character ever. 

Why he’s on the list: The man destroys a planet, kills his mentor, imprisons a princess, builds a spaceship called the ‘death star’ and attempts to kill his own son. All while wearing a cape and a black helmet.
Hope you enjoyed the list. Until next time, go to the Movies. 

So there's my list. What's yours? Agree? Disagree? Feel free to let me know. 
don't forget to follow me on Twitter @glamgrunge
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Until next time, enjoy the show.

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